❤️❤️The love of Christ in the midst of Chaos❤️❤️

Everywhere we look we can see chaos going on around us. The country has been on the brink of destruction through division for quite sometime now. At the moment, disease and racism is in the spotlight and people are having a hard time finding the love of Christ in the midst of the chaos. Its only June and I’m sure that everyone will agree with me when I say that 2020 has been a rough year. There has been pandemic, isolation, anger and murder. People dying of all races and all backgrounds either by murder or by ailment to the body.

There are disagreements among the people on how to govern the country. People want retaliation for the senseless ways that lives have been lost. No one is listening to anyone. Everyone just wants to prove their points. Specifically, the death of George Floyd and the uprising that followed has been on all of our minds. I have to ask. Where do you stand in the midst of all of this? What do you believe? Whatever it is that you believe, keep these things in mind.

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbors and hate you enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Matthew 5:44

I have to be honest. 🤦🏾‍♀️I have had to delete several people off of my social media due some of their comments. In the moments I had to choose to surround myself with people who brought me peace of mind. There is no anger or hate behind the decision, however, I had to do it for my mental space. If separating yourself from some people mentally is what you need to do, then please by all means, do it. Guard your spirit, your heart and your mind.

There are so many passages in the word centered around the topic of love. Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of love in 1 Corinthians 13:13.❤️

Let me tell you, its hard to tap into that love when there is so much anger and frustration in our hearts. Is there a reason to be angry? ABSOLUTELY! But that anger and frustration keeps us from being in touch with the Lord if we are just sitting in it day after day. We are walking around so mad at the people in the world that we can’t even focus on the Lord long enough to intercede for the ones around us that need Him. The word says in Ephesians 6 that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against forces of evil. 🤷🏽‍♀️Let me ask you, who are you fighting against? It also says to put on the whole armor of God. So I ask, What are you fighting with? If you truly believe in the word of God, then you know that God will get the glory in the end for the victory is His.

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord.

Romans 12:17

The things that I see around me tell me that we lack the love of Christ in our hearts. In the bible devotion that was posted ‘In the Meantime’, on day 7 we talked about praying for one another and having the love of Christ in our hearts to do so. That is the love that we need among us right now. Its so easy to fall in line with hate and destruction that is all around us. Its so much that it can be overwhelming. But Acts 6 also reminds us to pray in the spirit on all occasions. Now is the time that we need prayer more than we need anything else! Its ok to bring awareness, its ok to let it be known where you stand, but it is IMPERATIVE that we keep the love of Christ in our hearts and move so that He gets the glory

In this time, in these days, let us keep that love in our hearts. Let us pray for those who are so close to disaster and destruction. Those wracked with disease and pain. The bereaved families who have lost loved ones in such disdained ways. Let us keep the word of Christ in our hearts as a guide, even while we move for a change in the nation. It won’t be easy, and it will seem so simple to turn to wrath. But do your works and have faith. Trust God to move on our behalves!!

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you with heaviness in our hearts from all that is going on around us. We know that you have all power and can do abundantly and exceedingly beyond all that we can imagine. Today God we ask for a move on the nations. We ask that you touch hearts and change minds God. Get in the midst of our diseases and hatred. In the midst of our destruction. Turn hearts unto you. Help us to get on one accord in the Spirit. Let your love dwell in us, for it is the only way. Whatever we say and whatever we do, let it be rooted in the love we have in our hearts for you. We seek your presence, we seek your power, we seek your unfailing Love. Be with us God. We love you and will forever give you the honor the glory and the praise, Amen.

Originally Published June 08, 2020 By Clemetra Dashie

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