Can I get a witness🙌🏾💙!!

When Paul was traveling, being dedicated to his role as an apostle, he encountered moments of despair. The thing that always seemed to keep him going, is his love and faith in Jesus Christ. He knew that no matter what happened to him or with him, there was no better place to be than connected to Him. He is our strength when we are weak and our hope when we are despaired. Paul stayed strong in His walk because he had experienced the love of God. He had a relationship with God or in other words, he knew God.

He knew everything he needed to know about God to be able to declare that in the shadow of the Lord was where he would dwell. Even when others tried to change his mind by way of threats or abuse, Paul knew that staying with God was greater than anything he could face from those who sought to discredit the word. Paul’s past was filled with hatred and murder before God changed his heart. I would imagine Paul looked at the life he used to live in comparison to the life he lived after his transformation, and found something greater to keep faith in. Faith of course being the opposite of doubt, in that Paul knew what God had done for him and he refused to let anyone lead him to doubt Him. He made this statement concerning his life.

I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Sometimes we face moments of despair that push against our faith. Sometimes people we encounter negatively invade our worship. I’ve come across people who didn’t believe in God and wanted to convince others that God was not real. But here is what I know and will always hold on to.

💙💜💙Every single thing that God has changed in me, done through me, every mindset that He has turned, every idea He has given me, every conviction he placed on me, EVERY single thing He has done, has been for the better of me. It has caused me to be better than ever before. It has given me peace even in trouble times. It has made me a better wife, a better mother, and better daughter, sister, friend, coworker, citizen, etc. This is personal for me!! By His grace and through redemption, comes change. There is no better place to be. The disciples themselves said “To whom shall we go?” (John 6:68), in reference to leaving Christ. In all that He has done in my life and in others, may He receive the glory.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24

So what I would say to those who may be unsure of God is this:

God loves you, still. Everything that He want to do for you is for your benefit now or in the long run. He is completely worth the relationship. And I only encourage you to give Him a try. He is so amazing, and I only want you to feel His love for you.  The love that makes you wake up feeling a little bettered day by day. To God be the glory.

So what I would say to one who sets out to turn people away from God is this


Even when we mess up and stumble, I know who can get us back on the right path. When we lose our way. He is our guide. He is our EVERYTHING and the reason for our being. May we give our lives to Him to be renewed and made over, and may He get the glory. Amen!

Testimonies welcomed!!!

Originally Published By Clemetra Dashie September 14, 2020

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