Defend Your Camp!

You ever met someone that was just bad news all around. Sneaky, conning, hateful, and overbearing. That is entirely how I feel about Satan. Well not entirely, there is more😏. But heaviness, lack, confusion, frustration, oppression, depression, anxiety, anger, worries, all of the feelings. It seems Satan is in full force lately. Every single day this week he has reared his ugly head. And I have had to go to a new level of prayer to sever it.

How many of you feel like the enemy has been pressing in on every side lately? God reminded me that when he is positioning you to go deeper in Him, the enemy is going to come hard. And that devil is relentless. He does not stop His attack because He thinks you had enough. He keeps going. This one right here is for my people that are focused on growing their relationship with God. It is for the one who desire more of God and the promises that He lavishes on us daily. If you care nothing about God, you likely won’t have to go through the attacks of the enemy. He already has you on His team.

The enemy come so hard at you because he knows you are valuable to the kingdom. He has the upper hand on many people because he knows their worth and they believe themselves to be worth less. Satan is a scumbag pond shop owner. He is a thief.  He is out to steal your joy, peace, comfort, valuables, and inheritance. He is bound and determined to steal your purpose, your inheritance, and everything you are worth. He is coming for your jewel. Salvation. He targets your mind. He does this by attacking you.

Spiritual attacks can be exhausting. One day as I was asking God to give me the strength to endure, He said “Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength”.

Trust means to have faith, confidence, certainty, assurance in. It means that you lean on the Lord completely to direct your steps and lead you. Part of what makes spiritual warfare so exhausting is combating the unseen. The enemy is behind the scenes at this very moment devising a plan to take you out. He starts where every good enemy starts, your mind. And you can’t even see it. So how do we fight the unseen. God told us to put on the helmet of salvation. The helmet is there to protect your minds. Even if everything in your body works, if your mind is dead, so are you. When Satan is able to subdue and conquer our minds, we become spiritually dead and an enemy to God. Don’t give the enemy the victory. Cover your mind with the saving grace that salvation brings.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,  and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:12-17

What is salvation? For this moment let’s take a slither of what it is and present the fact that salvation is believing and trusting in the Lord. There goes that word again. Trust. That word has some serious weight to it. I’m talking about trusting the Lord so that when He says move, you move.

Are you confident enough in your relationship with God? Is your ear tuned in to what He is speaking to you? Last night as I tossed and turned all night, Holy Spirit woke me up in the early morning and said, “You are under attack from Satan.”. My version in my head, 🚨RING THE ALARMS. THE ENEMY IS IN THE CAMP🚨! As instructed, I got up drank water, put on my prayer shaw, and began to war in the Spirit.

I had been praying in between tossing and turning all night. However, I was in a vulnerable state because I was not conscious of what was going on. The enemy attacks when we don’t even expect it. But if you have positioned yourself to hear from the Lord, He will call your attention to what is lurking upon you

Holy Spirit needed my praying to shift from the position of prayer that I was in, to warring so that I would not be overtaken by Satan’s attack on my mind. He needed me to defend my camp. God is your watchtower. The relief that came upon me just from hearing and obeying. Satan was defeated in last night’s attack🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. Your relationship with Christ is your open line of communication to hear from the Lord. You are defenseless without it.

This post in to encourage you to keep going. To encourage you that no matter what it looks like. No matter the weight of opposition, put your trust in the Lord. We are right here with you combatting the works of the enemy. You are not alone. God has your back, and He will bring you out alright! Go deeper in the Lord and increase your intimate relationship with Him. Press!


Dear Heavenly Father,

First, we just want to thank you for all that you are. Your love is immeasurable, and  your grace is sufficient. Bring us into a deeper connection with you. One of trust, love, and adoration of you. You say in your word that if we submit ourselves to you and resist the devil, that he will flee. So, God we submit our minds to you. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God which gives us the power to demolish strongholds. We take captive every thought to make it obedient Christ. Lead and guide us God to new levels of strength, power, and salvation. That we may stand strong against the enemy with the full armor of God! Equip us for your glory. Prepare us for your promises. Lord we count these requests done in your finished work. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!

Originally Published By Clemetra Dashie August 22, 2021

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