The Evidence of Things Not Seen

There has been so much going on this year, as we all know and have experienced. Through all of the sickness, disease, heart ache and loss of life, it has just felt like so much unwanted change. Through all of this change I definitely take comfort in the fact that there is one thing that stays the same. The power and love of Jesus Christ. And in that I will anchor my faith.

I have had to entirely lean on and trust in Him for the covering of my family and I. This year has definitely gave us a amped connection to the terms ‘covered under the blood of Jesus Christ’. As we are living are lives and trusting in God for direction and protection, we pray that you are doing the same.

Today we just want to give an encouraging word that God is alpha and omega. He is the beginning and the end. In Him is where we need to store our hope and faith. With Him is the best place that we can be.

He did not give us the false pretense that we would never experience trouble or hardships in this life, in this walk. He did not say that things would always be easy, but He said that He will be there for those who desired Him. He will be there for those who have faith in Him. He said that he will keep us covered under His wing.  When the enemy comes up against us with troubles and hardships, trying to discourage us, the Lord give us instructions. This one being my favorite lately.

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7

That first part is the part that everyone always wants to eliminate. Submitting ourselves unto the Lord. This is in all things, even in our minds. The enemy loves to come against our minds. Once he has that, once the thoughts of the enemy take root, its sometimes hard to overcome.

I don’t know about you, but I am not giving myself to someone I don’t trust. God is telling us to trust in Him enough to give ourselves to Him. Trust in Him to take charged in your situation. I know that in this particular reference, Paul was discussing humility and pride, but how many of you know that Gods word is the living word and He gives us revelation for understanding and benefit. I have used this scripture plenty in times of war within because I trust Him, submitting my thoughts and temptations to Him when I am unable to subdue them.

I had an experience earlier this year where the enemy was trying to come against my mind. Getting me to try and accept some things that weren’t evident or conducive to my life. In that moment I had to keep quoting this scripture. I had to resist the thoughts, the doubt of the covering of Jesus that the enemy was trying to put in my mind, and I had to submit my thoughts unto the Lord. I had to trust that the Lord was moving on my behalf because the enemy was trying to plant doubt. Doubt is the killer of faith and the enemy intends to do just that. Has anyone else had a moment where they had to pray against the enemy trying to attack their mind?

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6

Doubting is none the less quite easy to do. As a matter of fact, it is usually our first worldly reaction. But in the midst of doubt when we are being tossed to and fro by the by the wind, clinch to the fact the God keeps His promises. Our hope in Gods promise with Jesus as our savior, is our anchor.

We have this hope as an anchor to our soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.

Hebrews 6:19-20

Now, if never before, we are in a season where we have to have unparallel faith in Jesus. We can not simply move by the things we see around us or the things being fed to us. For if we did that, we would be in despair. The prince of this world would desire for us to be without hope. Instead we have to move by the evidence of things not seen. Moving by faith!!!

I don’t know what you have going on right now in your life, but be encouraged in the Lord. I want you to be inspired in the fact that Gods word is real. I want to remind you to remember your power and strength in the word of God. Have faith in Him and cast all your cares upon Him. Submit unto Him for He cares for you.

Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you for just being who you are. We praise you for you are God. We lift you up right now for desired submission and increased faith in ourselves and loved ones. When doubt tries to creep into our minds, we will give you praise for your word, that teaches us and directs us on how to overcome. We will continue to trust in you and lean on you for our understanding and peace of mind. In all things that we do, we know that if we submit unto you, you will be with us, always. These blessings we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Originally Published By Clemetra Larry August 3, 2020

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